When you fall behind on payments, creditors will begin calling your home and making increasingly more aggressive attempts to collect the debt. If you are unable to pay, you may feel trapped and overwhelmed. Filing bankruptcy can help you eliminate your debts, regain control of your finances, and move on with your life.
Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding designed to provide debt relief. If you’re facing wage garnishment, foreclosure, auto repossession, a lawsuit seeking monetary damages, or if you are otherwise over your head with debt, the bankruptcy court can help. However, you will have to complete a credit counseling course before you can file bankruptcy. Although bankruptcy will give you a “fresh start,” you should only consider bankruptcy as a last resort to solve your debt problems.
As your advocate in bankruptcy, we can help you determine which type of bankruptcy is most appropriate for your needs. We can also guide you through the process so you can alleviate your debt while minimizing losses. We can help you with three different types of bankruptcy: chapter 7, chapter 11 and chapter 13. Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges most of your unsecured debt. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, on the other hand, requires you to pay your debts over time based on a court-approved payment plan. A chapter 11 bankruptcy is generally used for businesses who seek to reorganize their debt and continue to exist.
To learn more about how we can help with bankruptcy, please contact Law Offices of A. J. Mitchell, LLC today.
2388 Scenic Highway S.
Snellville, Georgia 30078